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BPT Real Estate Poland

BPT Asset Management was established in Denmark in 2001. The first real estate investments where made in Lithuania and since then the company has grown to be one of the leading real estate asset managers in Northern and Eastern Europe. Today, BPT manages eight property funds totalling more than EUR 1.3 billion in assets under management. The investment capacity span the entire Baltic Sea region incl. Scandinavia, Russia, the Baltic countries, Poland and Germany. The portfolio consists of more than 1 million square metres of prime commercial real estate, primarily retail and office buildings. BPT Asset Management is headquartered in Copenhagen with local offices across Northern Europe and Russia. The company has approximately 100 employees. Being there A key part of the BPT investment philosophy is to be present where the investments are made. By being close to the market with local staff and the right network we gain access to off-market opportunities and tenant insigths which allow us to optimise our strategy and day-to-day operations. Thanks to this philosophy and a team of skilled real estate, legal, and financial experts BPT has built an impressive performance record in markets only few have mastered. Investors BPT only targets professional investors. The client base is primarily North European and Swiss. In addition to the inhouse investor relations and tenant services BPT also has a network of professional partners offering a high standard of client relations. BPT is a member of INREV and SIPA.


Rafał Ziółkowski

Michał Zagórski - asset manager

Karolina Brozonowicz - proprty manager

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