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Endurance Fund

The Endurance Real Estate Fund was founded in 2005 by ORCO Property Group S.A. It is a privately owned closed end property fund for investing in Central and Eastern European real estate. It is organized as an umbrella fund currently with three sub-funds. In 2005 we launched our first Endurance Fund, an opportunistic closed-end vehicle focusing on office buildings and retail centers in Eastern Europe. The idea was to offer the ORCO platform and local knowledge to institutional investors, who are willing to build up a property exposure in Eastern Europe. In the meantime we are offering various two new funds to participate in a greater geographical area in the Central European Regions. This phase of expansion is not only on diversifying into new countries, but also diversifying into new asset classe like residential properties. ORCO as a fund manager provides its resources, development and investment experience for 18 years and its local network represented by offices in seven Central European countries to focus on maximum levels of financial return and service for our institutional investors.
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