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Falcon Real Estate Investments

In 1991 real estate experts Howard Hallengren (Chairman) and Jack Miller (President) left Chase Manhattan Bank to found Falcon Real Estate, and they immediately began assembling a team of real estate professionals with broad and diverse experience. From the beginning of the company, Falcon has focused on providing a complete and comprehensive service to overseas investors in the U.S. real estate market. Many of the services provided to our clients are designed to be similar to those provided by international private banks, with an emphasis on a high level of individual attention. The real estate professionals on Falcon’s staff are selected because they understand the need to provide expert real estate advice to sophisticated institutional and high-net-worth individual investors globally. This fundamental approach has successfully attracted investors from around the world, enabling Falcon to carry out transactions on behalf of our clients totaling close to $7 billion since the formation of the company. Falcon had operated as a partnership for many years but effective as of January 1, 2011, the company incorporated as Falcon Real Estate Investment Management, Ltd., appointing new directors and broadening the ownership of the company.

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